We've had a breathtakingly large number of submissions for issue #5 of inc. magazine, written to the theme of 'place'. Many thanks to all those who kindly sent us their work! We're now rifling through them with large mugs of tea connected intravenously to select our favourite rhymes for illustration.
If you missed the deadline, don't worry, you can still get in touch with us anytime to introduce yourself, send over something you've been working on, or just have a good old chinwaggle. As always, our email address is inc.zine [at] gmail [dot] com. Illustrators, if you're quick we might still be able to consider you for this issue, just email us a bit about yourself and a link to your work online.
Keep your ears peeled (and join our mailing list) to keep up to date with inc. news and (gasp) the next launch party!
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