Sunday, 15 April 2012

Spinning a Yarn

Our friends over at YARN festival are putting together a stonkingly good poetry and storytelling night, 'The Special Relationship' over at the erudite Book Club in Shoreditch on Tuesday 1st May.

YARN celebrates stories and storytelling in all its tangled glory. They've been up in Birmingham as part of FlatPack festival recently, recreating the whole of Citizen Kane through the medium of storytelling, music, illustration and (strangely enough) film. We can't wait to check out one of their London-based ventures. 

The Special Relationship is a regular monthly event bringing its audience fiction, non-fiction, comedy, music and illustration. Hosted by TOM BASDEN, regular readers, SAM TARADASH and JARRED McGINNIS, will be joined for some May mayhem by the almighty RICH FULCHER, the coconut's NIKESH SHUKLA and Mr tiny-plays, CRAIG TAYLOR.

The Book Club, 100 Leonard Street, EC2A 4RH
Time: 7.30pm - 10.30pm
Follow them on Twitter - @spintheYARN

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